Our services

Industrial visual Inspections

Industrial visual Inspections

Decrease downtime and reduce inspection costs, while increasing worker safety by remotely accessing confined spaces, head frames, crushers, brow hang-ups, retired workings and other complex environments or almost anywhere else you need to access within your mines, mill and surface operations.

Robosurvey is capable to inspect and explore areas underground, on surface or within other hazardous areas such as chimneys, oil tanks, silos, cement cyclones / kilns, pipelines, bridges, jetties e.g.

Maritime Drone Inspections

Maritime Drone Inspections

UAVs specially designed to conduct inspections in areas of the ship with confined space. Typical areas include Cargo hold, Ballast/Fuel tanks, Engine room, Port crane

This approach, minimizes the risk of injury or damaging the assets, since the human inspector can monitor the area of interest while being in a control room.
Maximizes the accuracy of the inspection results since the data collected can be processed by intelligent diagnostic algorithms.

Underwater Drone Inspections

The Fifish is a world-leading unmanned underwater vehicle (UUV), dedicated to providing a truly professional underwater drone covering the full spectrum of submarine maritime services. The products are optimized in handling a multitude of scenarios and applications across the different challenging underwater environments.

More services

  • Underground inspections –
    Stopes, Drifts, Ore/Waste Pass etc
  • Sewer inspections
  • Weld And Seam Inspections
  • Boiler Inspections
  • Steel mill
  • Bridges
  • Jet engine test bed
  • Hang Ups
  • Routine Industrial Complex Inspections
  • Conveyor Belt Inspections
  • Wires/Cables/Guides
  • Cargo hold/Ballast tank
  • Engine rooms
  • Factory ceiling
  • Port crane/Ship to shore crane